Friday, May 23, 2008

surrealist signage

city, county, state, federal - signs with gruff statements. impersonal, disinterested static looming figures looking on our daily lives without a nod. why not spice things up a bit? "Please... NO PARKING ...Thank You!" ...a stencil? a marker? a projection. whatever medium possible to make these emotionless figures a bit more compassionate and understanding of the everyman everyday. if anything it would get a few laughs and that never hurt anyone.

also, you've seen those florescent orange on black rectangular signs on the fences and in the windows of house before - telling you to BEWARE OF DOG and KEEP OFF THE GRASS, more and more you'll see NO SMOKING. well, what if you took those and cut them up a bit? how about SMOKING THE GRASS (you can do this one easily with the last two i mentioned ready to go - just glue "smoking" over "keep off") or BEWARE OF GOD? let your imagination run wild. you could even get fancy and print out your own custom rectangles via sign companies, theres some online who would be happy to assist you.

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