Monday, May 19, 2008


paul mccartney played bass with his face on the white album - with a simple tweak of eq its possible to simulate a variety of instrumentation via vocals. or take the sound of driving on a gravel road which could easily be mistaken as a crowds applause. substitution of sounds gives things a more surreal, magical quality. take a piano and use it as a drumset by cutting its attack/decay to match a more percussive instrument, and the drumset pitchshifted along a scale as though it were a piano - i guess this has already been done to some degree with keyboards, but that was only the very beginning of what is possible. what if a song was re-arranged dependent upon the global locality, so that if it were played in japan it would be made with japanese instruments, brazil with brazilian, so on... in our modern digital era the possibilities are, for all intents and purposes, endless.


serocell said...

general midi for a specific world.

dannyglix said...

Theres an episode of 30 Rock, where they create a digital Jerry Seinfeld out of all the excess Seinfeld footage and auto insert him into all the NBC shows for a week (While he is away in Europe).

dannyglix said...

In a more artistic direction, (via halfbakery), the Al Hirschfeld Machine