Lets say you are seeking a long range trucker to hitchhike your rig to, so you can travel cross state, and you only have a few hours to make it happen. Replying or posting to Craigslist seems like an unsure thing. Or lets say you need eggs to bake cookies at 3:00am and the stores are closed, and you wish you could rely on your densely populated neighborhood for the eggs. Here is an idea to network people together based specifically upon time sensitive geo / localized keyphrases.
Imagine a chat room, similar to the 1990's AOL chat, (which phased away), but you have a selection of video thumbnails from users that are plugged in 'in this moment' to connect with, for instantaneous micro transactions. I suppose that based upon the volume of similarity, you would be connected with the closest group of peers seeking common keywords. Great dating implications. Maybe this exists already and is not really an invention.
Imagine a chat room, similar to the 1990's AOL chat, (which phased away), but you have a selection of video thumbnails from users that are plugged in 'in this moment' to connect with, for instantaneous micro transactions. I suppose that based upon the volume of similarity, you would be connected with the closest group of peers seeking common keywords. Great dating implications. Maybe this exists already and is not really an invention.
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