A 42-year-old father-of-one has invented a babygrow that could warn parents if their child is suffering from a fever. Chris Ebejer, a pub landlord from Suffolk, has created the predictably named "Babyglow" garment that changes colour to indicate a child's temperature.
Available in pink, blue and green, the babygrow, that contains a special ink pigment with heat-sensitive molecules that Ebejer spent 6 years and £700,000 developing, turns white when the baby's body temperature rises above 37-degrees.
Ebejer has now signed a £12.5 million contract to produce 900,000 Babyglows a month worldwide. The tiny garments are due to be available in October for around £20 each. src
Brings to mind, a bullet proof vest which spurts out blood when you get shot, so your enemies think you got hit.
I bet this is not cheap garment and is this washable or not?
Very interesting post.
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