At present our relationship with animals is as 'pets' (irrational beasts with fangs), or seeing-eye dogs, or simply the quest to exterminate bugs, so we invent dog collars, and mosquito shock lamps and restrict the bugs from our boundary, which results in them getting tazed or poisoned.

· A wall of bugs standing guard at a certain GPS parameter.
· Utilizing bugs to observe and report for other dangers or climate concerns.
· Use bees to enrich and balance weather patterns.
· Repair the ozone, etc.
Similarly, plantlife could be algorithmically contoured, (mashed-up, grafted, DNA spliced) to be custom grown to conform to specific moldings for product manufacturing purposes (speed growing custom designed lumber), or for personal useage, such as a small flower or plant, which is built in sync with your personal DNA, to provide specific nutrients based on individual medical shortcomings, and taste preferences.
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